About the Journal

Revista de Comunicación y Salud (RCyS) is a scientific publication edited by the Extraordinary Chair of Communication and Health of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. It is published continuously, uploading articles individually as the editorial process ends, in free access electronic format.

History of the journal

Revista de Comunicación y Salud is a publication that was born in 2011, then edited by the International Institute of Communication and Health (INICyS). The journal's first editor was Aitor Ugarte Iturrizaga (Complutense University of Madrid), who held this position until the publication of volume 4, in June 2014.

Since then, a new stage has opened in the journal, which has become edited by the Extraordinary Chair of Communication and Health of the Complutense University of Madrid, directed by Dr. Ubaldo Cuesta Cambra. Currently, the direction of the journal is jointly exercised by Ubaldo Cuesta and José Ignacio Niño, full professor and associate professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

The objectives established by the Revista de Comunicación y Salud are the following:

1. Promote quality research in Communication and Health, to collaborate in the strengthening and consolidation of this field of study.

2. Continue working for the continuous improvement of the editorial process, integrating the journal in the Portal of Scientific Journals of the Complutense University of Madrid.

3. Significantly increase the number of original articles received and published, always keeping the quality criteria that have been in force since the birth of the journal.

4. Increase collaboration alliances with academics, researchers, professionals, and entities that work in the field of Communication and Health.

5. Continue with the process of indexing the journal in more scientific reference databases.

6. Look for ways of support and financing that allow guaranteeing the viability and sustainability of the journal.