Communication between Health Workers and Patients Affected by Traumatic Amputation. The Sheet Over


  • José Luis Díaz Agea Universidad Católica San Antonio. Murcia
  • César Leal Costa Universidad Católica San Antonio. Murcia
  • Paloma Echevarría Pérez Universidad Católica San Antonio. Murcia
  • María Rosario Martín Robles Servicio Murciano de Salud. Murcia



traumatic amputation; accidents, information, communication, stigma


The present article presents some of the results of an ethnographic qualitative study focused on the
discourse analysis of motorcycle accident amputees in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Particularly
those related to the field of communication between health workers and the affected by traumatic
amputation in the moments surrounding the surgery or limb loss in the accident. As objectives
we set out to meet the subjective evaluation of the care provided during hospitalization and
analyze the opinions about the information given to new amputees due to a traumatic cause. The
methodology employed to approximate the human phenomenon of communication and interaction
in an experiential context of suffering and pain was ethnography research using techniques such
as semi-structured interviews, life history and participant observation. Subsequently we submitted
speeches to a content analysis with hermeneutic orientation covering the context in which these
statements occur. The results, provided the subjectivity of the affected, reveal that sometimes the
information about the process that is experienced in a traumatic amputation was not clear and has
been poorly managed, possibly leading to increased suffering of these people. While the issue of
body mutilation still surrounded by a halo of stigma that hinders the support.


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How to Cite

Díaz Agea , J. L. ., Leal Costa, C. ., Echevarría Pérez , P. ., & Martín Robles , M. R. . (2013). Communication between Health Workers and Patients Affected by Traumatic Amputation. The Sheet Over. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 3(2), 5–19.




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