Interlinguistic and Intercultural Communication Regarding the Reproductive Health Care for Women of Moroccan Origin


  • Francisco Raga Gimeno Universitat Jaume I. Castellón



intercultural communication; reproductive health; Maghrebi immigrants; mediation


The present study analyzes the most significant communication barriers, linguistic and
cultural, that may be observed in healthcare regarding immigrant women of Moroccan
(and, in general, Maghrebi) origin, particularly in relation to reproductive health. For
that purpose, the experiences of intercultural mediators in a public hospital in the region
of Castell ón are ex amined, as well as the results obtained from discussion groups
carried out with heal thcare staff and patients from that hospital. This information is
compared to that published regarding healthcare for women of Moroccan origin, both
in Spain and in Morocco. The results of this study point out the presence of complex
communicative problems which require the implementation of community mediation


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How to Cite

Raga Gimeno, Francisco. 2013. “Interlinguistic and Intercultural Communication Regarding the Reproductive Health Care for Women of Moroccan Origin”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 3 (1):5-17.


