Impact of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment in the Life-Work Balance in the Large Export Manufacturing Industry in Hermosillo Sonora


  • Ana Bolena Sotelo Medina Universidad de Sonora



perceived organizational support; work-life balance; organizational commitment; well-being.


The objective of the study is to determine the impact of perceived organizational support through well-being, satisfaction of needs and recognition. The organization considers a investment that helps to improve the conditions of the worker through different initiatives to increase, improve and maintain the workers and at the same time their productivity. The well-being, satisfaction of needs and recognition are also measured from a quantitative methodology, using the survey technique which measures the perceived organizational support through the initiatives presented by each company to achieve its objectives. These initiatives are based on the extra support and efforts made by the companies and represent an important investment at the organization level and later in the working life. It is important to know if the workers receive support from the company and thus assess which are those with greater impact and effectiveness. The organizational commitment will determine the level of identification that the employee has towards their organization from its affective, continuity and normative components. In this measure, we seek to determine the impact on the Work-Life Balance through conflict or the enrichment that it generates in the operational employees, including man and woman with a minimum work experience in the company of six months of the Export Manufacturing Industry cataloged as large that have 251 employees or more in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico.


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How to Cite

Sotelo Medina, Ana Bolena. 2018. “Impact of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment in the Life-Work Balance in the Large Export Manufacturing Industry in Hermosillo Sonora”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 8 (1):45-59.


