Communication Technologies and post-truth: what they imply for the managing hospital communication


  • Mario Barquero Cabero 1ESERP Business School de Madrid
  • José Rodríguez Terceño
  • Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid



post-truth; ICT’s; hospital managing; ethical communication; patients.


The way in which the need and management of knowledge has led us to order our vision of knowledge, is through specialization. A sometimes extreme specialization that often leads us to have to cross specialties in ways that seem strange to us, but which we see mainly in matters of a transversal nature, tending to cross their paths in multiple fields of expertise. One such issue is communication, especially as a result of the implementation of ICTs, which have forced institutions and individuals to expand and rethink the way in which we communicate, the amount of information that we transmit and how often we transmit it. Society is becoming accustomed to a degree of interactivity and immediate access to information that obliges those responsible for institutional communication to adapt to the accelerating rhythm or fall into irrelevance. Being as they are, largely responsible for the public interests of the entity, they need to combine the values and the circumstances of the centers in which they work (in this case, hospitals and clinics) with this new reality. And a task that can become a banner and a medium for this work, is the struggle within its borders, against the phenomenon of the post-truth.


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How to Cite

Barquero Cabero, M. ., Rodríguez Terceño , J. ., & Gonzálvez Vallés, J. E. . (2018). Communication Technologies and post-truth: what they imply for the managing hospital communication. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 8(1), 85–97.




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