Health 2.0 and Health Communication: Participation in Virtual Communities in Portugal


  • Paulo J. Moreira Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Sandra Camara Pestana Consultora Universidade Nova de Lisboa



e-health; health communication; social networks and health; virtual communication; between patients; quality of health; chronic illness


The birth of the web 2.0, the creation o f virtual communitie s for patients and their
interact i on in cyber space are revolutinizing health systems. Th i s paper, which is
exploratory and descriptive, analyzes this phenomenon by means of a qualitative
study, the first to be carried out in Portu gal, and presents the main reasons for the
growth of said communities. It is concluded that the patients enter these groups due
to limited time during visits to the doctor; the lack of understanding and/or of information
transmitted during the meeting with the health professional; loneliness; the stigma or
social exclusion. Among the chronic patients who took part i n the study it is
unanimously perceived that participating in these virtual comm unities complements
personal contact, an d that virtu al support among pe ers improve s doctor-patient
relationships, making patients more active in the decision-making process about their
health and improving their health literacy. According to the participants in the study,
the main limitations for the development of virtual communities include the following:
the digital divide and discrimination; the dangers of self-medication; possible circulation
of i naccurate information; a nd the nonexistence of quality standards for health


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How to Cite

Moreira, Paulo J., and Sandra Camara Pestana. 2012. “Health 2.0 and Health Communication: Participation in Virtual Communities in Portugal”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 2 (2):47-62.


