Doctor-Patient Communication and Health Decision-Making in Andalusia. Chronic Patients´ Expectations within the Public Healthcare System in Andalusia


  • Alina Danet Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Sevilla
  • María José Escudero Carretero Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Sevilla
  • María Ángeles Prieto Rodríguez Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Sevilla
  • Joan Carles March Cerdá Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Sevilla



communication; patient-physician relationship; chronic disease


The purpose of the study was to know about the expectations had by chronic patients
within the Public Healthcare System in Andalusia, concerning communication and
making decisions with the medical professionals who take care of them during the
entire treatment process. A qualitative study was carried out in Andalusia, based on
19 in-depth interviews and 17 focus groups with 154 chronic patients and their
relatives, suffering from seven different types of illness, of which the content was later
analyzed based on the type of disease (pathologies), and the level of care (Primary,
Specialized or Emergency Services). The study shows that patients included in all
healthcare processes want information about their illness. In Primary Care, they value
continued attention, closeness and trust as well as being referred to a proper specialist.
In Specialized Care, they expect to receive trustworthy information, proper tests and
a correct diagnosis, friendly treatment and to be listened to. In the Emergency Room,
lack of tim e and overcrowding disrupt pro per communication. The type of chronic
illness influences patients’ expectations in terms of communication and decision-making.
Communication between patients and med ical personnel and the
decision-making process related to chronic illness are crucial for the improvement of
the quality of healthcare. The type of chronic disease marks different expectations
about the communication and decision-making. The communication and the decision
making in the chronic assistance is a priority to improve the quality of the assistance.


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How to Cite

Danet , Alina, María José Escudero Carretero, María Ángeles Prieto Rodríguez, and Joan Carles March Cerdá. 2012. “Doctor-Patient Communication and Health Decision-Making in Andalusia. Chronic Patients´ Expectations within the Public Healthcare System in Andalusia”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 2 (2):63-77.




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