New Competences in Information and Communication Technologies of Health Providers


  • Raúl Choque Larrauri Universidad de Groningen



ICT skills; health; internet


Due to the emergence of the new information and communication technologies (ICT), it is necessary that health providers develop new skills in the use of ICT. Physicians, nurses and other professionals interact with patients every day, and ICT, especially the internet, can enhance the communication pro cess es among them, providing timely information to patients about disease prevention, health promotion, as well as treatment of diseases. The new ICT skills can enable greater interaction between health personnel and patients through email, SMS, chat, forums, websites, Facebook, Twitter and other media. ICT skills are: access to health science information, management of health information and knowledge, generation and dissemination of health knowledge. The development of the new ICT skills required that people are digital literate. ICT skills
are essential for success in the Network Society.


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How to Cite

Choque Larrauri, Raúl. 2011. “New Competences in Information and Communication Technologies of Health Providers”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 1 (2):47-60.




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