State of the Art of Risk Communication in Latin America


  • Ana Rosa Moreno Universidad Nacional Autónoma
  • Frederico Peres Fundación Oswaldo Cruz. Río de Janeiro



risk communication; environmental health; Latin America


Global environmental changes and their diverse effects on human health have, in
recent years, focused socie ty’s attention on what happens in its immediate
environment. International agencies and governments recognize the need to assess
and manage environmental health risks and communicate about the m to all related
stakeholders. The ma i n efforts carried out regar ding risk communication in Latin
America have mostly been directed towards crises and health care, and less so towards
reaching consensus. A rationale of risk perception has been developed in various
countries, mainly among members of academia. Know ing what people think or feel
about an environmental hazard is fundament al for developing risk communication
plans; thus, it is almost impossible to dissociate these two elements. Currently, and
given the challenges that environmental changes wi ll lead to in the near future, risk
communication must be a support system so as to strengthen the population’s
knowledge of environmental health risks and encourage decision makers to establish
successful public health policies aiming to protect citizens.


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How to Cite

Rosa Moreno, Ana, and Frederico Peres. 2011. “State of the Art of Risk Communication in Latin America”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 1 (1):55-71.


