It’s better to convince entertaining: Health communication and narrative persuasion


  • Juan José Igartua Universidad de Salamanca



entertainment-education; narrative persuasion; transportation-imagery model; extended elaboration likelihood model; identification with characters


The goal of health communication interventions is to change behaviors, attitudes,
beliefs, social norms in certain public or social segments in order to increase people’s
quality of life and improve public health in a particular society or culture. Many health
communication interventions rely on the “ campaign” concept and are based on the
management model of social marketing. However, one of the most promising fields in
health communication is one that has come to be call ed entertainment-education.
Strategies based on entertainment-education include messages that appeal to their
audiences, have a strong emotional component and clear narrative structure, and often
engage the audience like any other commercial entertainment content. In this article
we review the entertainment-education approach: its defining aspects, its historical
origins, as well as the theoretical models that explain the success of such interventions,
which are based on the research of narrative persuasion: the use of fictional narrations
to induce changes in people’s attitudes.


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How to Cite

José Igartua, Juan. 2011. “It’s better to convince entertaining: Health communication and narrative persuasion”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 1 (1):73-87.


