Racism a cultural problem that can be reeduced


  • Luisa Martínez O’Farrill Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Enrique José Varona. Cuba




race, racism, racial discrimination in Cuba, university


The theme of the social discriminations for color of skin, sex, religions or stereotypes on the textiles, very well I could look like aspects surpassed within the context of the present-day Society Cubana. However, the survival of this whip of discrimination accompanies the development of our society in the present, feeding in some people the decision making regarding individuals with the ones that they enter with in contact under determined working conditions, of study, personal relations and of couple. The objective 57, pass mark in the First National Lecture of the Party of Cuba, celebrated in January of the past (2011), talk about confronting prejudices and discriminatory conducts for color of skin, kind, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, territorial origin and other ones that they are contrary to the constitution and laws, they threaten the national unit and they limit the exercise of the rights of the people. The University before the call of the country, deems a high responsibility the overcoming of these intentions that are aftereffects of the past in the fight as. But most of all far away of the humanistic traditional ideal of the Society Cubana, to whose conquest the children dedicated their better lives, in the whole temporary trajectory of our history and culture.


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How to Cite

Martínez O’Farrill, Luisa. 2018. “Racism a cultural problem that can be reeduced”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 8 (2):65-76. https://doi.org/10.35669/revistadecomunicacionysalud.2018.8(2).65-76.


