Smartphones use in childhood and PAOS code follow-up by food advertisers.
Food, educommunication, advertising, children, media, health, smartphoneAbstract
Diseases related to eating habits, such as obesity, anorexia or bulimia, are on the rise in developed and developing societies (Haas et al., 2010). In 2018, the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs warned about the figures for obesity (15%) and DIDs (12%): the age group with the highest incidence is children between 6 and 12 years old (McCabe et al., 2019). This question concerns the averages (Lara & Lara, 2018; Levine & Murnen, 2009;), which are configured as educators, due to the influence they have on children by emitting certain values, which may be assumed by them (Carrillo et al., 2011). In this sense, the application of the "Code of self-regulation of advertising and food aimed at minors, obesity prevention and health" proposed a qualitative and quantitative change in advertising aimed at children. The aim of this research is to analyse the advertising of food on mobile devices aimed at minors to see if this change has been real. This was done using a mixed methodology with a sample of advertisers' recorded advertising for 7 days (19 - 25 August 2019) when interacting with children. Specifically: a content analysis of the advertisements studied, completed with a survey of children and parents, as well as a focus group with parents.
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