Sexual Health Education, a need that goes beyond the provision of information


  • Albino José Rojas Piñango Universidad Complutense de Madrid



health, sexual health, education in sexuality, affectivity, spirituality


This essay arises from a documentary review of the problem created by the high rate of pregnancy in adolescents in Latin America and the different initiatives that have been produced to try to minimize it. Many rely on biologicist approaches that reinforce what is called genitality; according to which, sexuality is associated with reproduction, with the almost exclusive participation of the genital organs. Part of a program called: Educational Goals 2021: the education we want for the generation of the Bicentennial, which is one of the initiatives of greater scope and significance that has been launched in recent years. It should give an idea of attitudes, of pressures, awareness of alternatives and their consequences; increase love, self-knowledge, improve decision-making and the technique of communication. When referring to Education in Sexuality, we must have a complete vision of the complexity of being sexed, and that sexuality is an integral part of the personality of every human being. Hence, it must be approached from the integrality of being. It emphasizes that the solution is to approach it from the affective and spiritual dimensions overcoming the biologicist schemes of health and risk.


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How to Cite

Rojas Piñango, Albino José. 2019. “Sexual Health Education, a need that goes beyond the provision of information”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 9 (1):65-76.




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