Application of Artificial Intelligence with Natural Language Processing for qualitative research texts in the medical-patient relationship with mental illness through the use of mobile technologies


  • José Vicente Sancho Escrivá Universitat Jaume I
  • Carlos Fanjul Peyró Universitat Jaume I
  • María de la Iglesia Vayá Unidad Mixta de Imagen Biomédica FISABIO-CIPF
  • Joaquin A. Montell Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe. Unidad Mixta IB
  • María José Escartí Fabra Hospital Clínico Valencia, CIBERSAM Valencia



artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, communication, social science, mHealth, mental health


Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to position itself in society as a benchmark for technological progress. Within this field, Natural Language Processing (NLP) reaches great acceptance in disciplines that work with high volumes of data (Big Data). In this framework we want to see what do these algorithms contribute with, but applied to communication in the field of mental health. We establish this methodology with NLP based on previous qualitative observations in transcribed texts of focus groups. These texts were obtained from focus groups carried out on patients with mental illnesses in order to understand whether the application of this methodology contributes to any improvement on the analysis of data, which has been shown in previous researches. However, this research has been applied in a novel way in the field of mental health. To do this, scripts based on Python code have been executed and the texts have been purified, classifying the word strings into entities called tokens and eliminating stopwords. Subsequently, the frequency of words and the connection of sentences have been analyzed, obtaining a set of structures in which to apply Machine Learning techniques using word2vec and generating vectors on the data, which are represented with n-dimensional graphics where a new vocabulary based on proximity words is created. We are applying a method that without algorithmic learning we would be unable to obtain this type of information in the previous analysis of qualitative research.The main themes found with traditional qualitative analysis are identified in the analysis, mechanizing the process and facilitating it. It is also shown that this methodology is applicable in mental health as in other population groups.


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Author Biography

José Vicente Sancho Escrivá, Universitat Jaume I

José Vicente Sancho Escrivá Licenciado en Ciencias de la información, publicidad y RRPP. Profesional de la comunicación digital especialista en tecnología mobile y docente en diferentes universidades españolas en materias relacionadas con la publicidad y la comunicación digital.


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How to Cite

Sancho Escrivá, José Vicente, Carlos Fanjul Peyró, María de la Iglesia Vayá, Joaquin A. Montell, and María José Escartí Fabra. 2020. “Application of Artificial Intelligence with Natural Language Processing for qualitative research texts in the medical-patient relationship with mental illness through the use of mobile technologies”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 10 (1):19-41.


