The COVID-19 on the front pages of national newspapers in Spain
Pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, Spain, newspapers, front page, headlinesAbstract
This research analyses the treatment of the COVID-19 pandemic on the front pages of the newspapers ABC, El País, El Mundo, La Razón and La Vanguardia during the months of February, March and April 2020. The analysis allows us to compare similarities and differences while observing the evolution in this period. Content analysis is used to determine the space and importance of the topic within the covers, as well as the issues being addressed, who the protagonists are in the headlines or photographs and the lexicon they use. The analysis focuses on how events are communicated while uncovering differences in approach and style between national headlines. The results and conclusions show that the information about COVID-19 gains prominence and takes up more space on the front pages as the weeks go by, and graphics and infographics are included as the incidence of COVID-19 increases. It can also be seen from the analysis of the covers that the issues addressed by the newspapers vary over time, as does the vocabulary used, which is characteristic of each medium.
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