Snapshots of a pandemic. Look in a Regime of confinement


  • José-Luis Anta Félez University of Jaén
  • Romina Grana National University of Córdoba



Pandemic, confinement regime, self-referential, Argentina, biopolitics, social technology, neo-colonization


In this essay text, we reflectively propose what a new social technology called a confinement regime is like, and that has been used during the current pandemic. Through an autoethnographic and self-referential story, presented in the form of snapshots in the life of a woman locked up in a city in Argentina today. Thus, we recall life in the domestic, ideas of gender, work, age in the everyday. The relationship with the media, on social networks and with new forms of biopolitic is revealed. This work accounts for a moment when everything is suspended and, consequently, gives time to see what the world we live in, what our inner life is like and its economic-political relationship with the outside. A privileged moment to think and ask ourselves.


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Author Biographies

José-Luis Anta Félez, University of Jaén

  1. in Social Anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid and professor at the University of Jaén, Spain. He has been visiting professor at universities in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, France, Italy, USA and Argentina. He has conducted fieldwork in different communities in Spain and Latin America and is currently working on issues related to ethnography, epistemology and gender. Her latest books include El sexo de los ángeles, Epistemología más allá de las redes, Segmenta antropológica and Fiesta, trabajo y creencia.

Romina Grana, National University of Córdoba

D. in Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. She is an interim professor of Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts and has been a visiting professor at universities in Spain, Brazil and Germany. Her intellectual production is linked to two main areas: on the one hand, linguistics, and on the other, historical discourse analysis and ethnolinguistics. The documentary sources that constitute the corpus of his research are town council minutes, judicial processes and family letters. Some of the topics on which she has worked are social sensitivities, gender and linguistic prejudices.



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How to Cite

Anta Félez, José-Luis, and Romina Grana. 2020. “Snapshots of a pandemic. Look in a Regime of confinement”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 10 (2):287-300.