Communication of bad news in the health field in times of COVID-19. Telephone communication


  • Ana Isabel Álvarez Aparicio Forensic Psychologist Specialist in Emergencies and Catastrophes



Bad news communication, remote communication, telephone communication, communication skills, death, grief, trauma, health emergency, pandemic, coronavirus


This article has examined the telephone communication of bad news in the health field during the public health emergency of international concern decreed by the WHO on March 11, 2020. Communicating bad news is not an easy or pleasant task, especially when it comes to a death. Its effects, both for the sender and the receiver, will depend on the way it is carried out. In relation to the recipient, adequate communication can facilitate the process of acceptance and adaptation to the new reality, the one in which your loved one is no longer. Regarding the issuer, a correct transmission of information can lead to a reduction in stress levels, increasing the efficiency of communication, present and future, as well as reducing the probability of problems such as burnout. A good notification of unfavorable news requires communication skills and the handling of basic technical guidelines for action, for which training is necessary. The pandemic situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has made the communication of bad news, until now considered a minor competence, a central element of the care process. The exceptional circumstances of this health emergency have also meant having to carry out communications over the phone on many occasions, an action not recommended in normal situations due to the associated inconveniences and which has been a real challenge for professionals. The scarcity of specific material on remote communication in exceptional situations such as the current one, makes it necessary to study and research in depth on the area. This article has attempted to address these issues.


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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Álvarez Aparicio, Forensic Psychologist Specialist in Emergencies and Catastrophes

Forensic Psychologist Specialist in Emergencies and Catastrophes. Specialist in Criminal Analysis and Investigation. Specialist in Disappearances of Persons. Specialist in Trauma and Grief Processes. Expert in Sexual Violence. Judicial Expert. Expert Trainer in Autonomous and State Health, Security and Emergency Services. Coordination, dissemination and psychological intervention in crises, emergencies and catastrophes, in various state and regional institutions during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Aparicio, A. I. (2020). Communication of bad news in the health field in times of COVID-19. Telephone communication. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 10(2), 211–248.

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