Management of internal and external communication in private hospitals in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis


  • Andrea Castro-Martínez University of Malaga
  • Pablo Díaz-Morilla EADE University Studies-University of Wales Trinity Saint David and University of Malaga



Communication, crisis, public relations, health, COVID-19, hospitals


This paper analyses the communication strategies that private hospital institutions in Spain have employed during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the tools they have applied to reach their internal and external audiences. Through a questionnaire composed of 52 questions, data has been collected from 13 of the best hospitals according to the Merco 2020 ranking. The results show that the composition of the Communication departments is varied and that they belong to different areas within the institutions. The tools commonly used in both internal and external communication have been expanded to deal with the pandemic and new content has been created, adapted to different audiences, with the aim of remaining a reliable source of information about the disease and retaining the trust of both employees and patients. The conclusions indicate that the health crisis has transformed the work routines of the internal and external communication departments and that it has helped them to become more agile, immediate and reactive. The strategic management of crisis communication has been fundamental in the private hospital environment to successfully confront the pandemic and will be fundamental in the future to address the challenges brought about by the New Normality.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Castro-Martínez, University of Malaga

Lecturer and researcher at the University of Málaga since 2016. Previously, she was assistant director of the degrees of Communication (Journalism and Advertising and PR), Graphic Design and Interior Design at EADE, headquarters of the University of Wales in Malaga for eight years, there she was also a teacher of the degrees and the MBA. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations, she has studied several experts in communication and marketing and an MBA. She has worked in different media and has been a teacher and consultant in Marketing, Advertising and Communication. Her lines of research focus on public relations, strategic communication and internal communication and new forms of advertising.

Pablo Díaz-Morilla, EADE University Studies-University of Wales Trinity Saint David and University of Malaga

Researcher at the University of Malaga. He is director and teacher in the Bachelor's Degrees in Communication (Journalism and Advertising and PR) at EADE University of Wales in Málaga since 2007 and in the Higher Artistic Degrees in Graphic, Interior and Product Design since 2014. He also teaches in the MBA. D. in Communication from the UMA, he is also a playwright and scriptwriter, with nationally awarded works and texts. His line of research focuses on commercial communication, new forms of advertising, theatre and cultural products and public relations.


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How to Cite

Castro-Martínez, A., & Díaz-Morilla, P. (2020). Management of internal and external communication in private hospitals in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 10(2), 525–547.

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