Consequences of a Health Crisis. Ideas Kit for the Understanding of the Coronavirus and its Informational Techno-Pandemic.


  • José Antonio Marín-Casanova University of Seville



Biopolitics, communication, exception, techno-COVID-19, info-pandemic, new normal, philosophy (hermeneutics), public health, SARS-CoV-2, techno-politics


The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, has generated an unprecedented health crisis, the first universal pandemic in history. This phenomenon is gradually being explained by science. But it is not enough to explain it, it is also necessary to understand it. The main objective pursued here is, from the methodological perspective of philosophical Hermeneutics, the understanding of the pandemic crisis. The metamorphosis that this crisis is producing in the notions of “reality” and “subjectivity” and its repercussion on communication is analyzed. There are two main vectors that lead to the results of this reflection: 1) the pandemic and the new normality make the exception the rule; 2) this has been possible because what was initially a biological mutation has become a series of conflicting disruptive innovations, which governments are controlling through technopolitical measures of social discipline such as domestic confinement. Thus, the coronavirus mutates into an information techno-virus that is transmitted through the media and social networks, infecting human brains and provoking new ways of thinking, acting and living. An info-pandemic, whose mental damage is expected to exceed the organic damage. It can then be concluded that it is not the viral health crisis what is transforming the normality of life on the street, but the techno-political actions taken to confront it, even though the blame goes to the previously techno-personalized coronavirus. We will surely overcome the pandemic, but perhaps at the cost of the info-pandemic having overcome us once and for all.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Marín-Casanova, University of Seville

Full Professor at the Hispalense University, since 1990, he has been Secretary (2013-16) and Director (2016-20) of the Department of Metaphysics and Current Trends in Philosophy, Ethics and Political Philosophy. He is PI of the PAIDI Group HUM-326 ("Science, Technology, Society, and Practical Rationality"). He has edited the journal Arguments for Technical Reason since 2004. He has almost 100 publications (including 20 translations from English, Italian, German, and French), with 6 books/SPI as sole author, 3 books as co-author, 4 international books as literary editor, more than 30 book chapters, and several dozen articles in indexed journals in Europe, Latin America, and Anglo-Saxon.


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How to Cite

Marín-Casanova, José Antonio. 2020. “ Ideas Kit for the Understanding of the Coronavirus and its Informational Techno-Pandemic”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 10 (2):63-80.