Disorders of the Emotions as a Consequence of Covid-19 and the Confinement in University of the Different Schools of the Hermilio Valdizan National University


  • Mónica Roxana Tamayo García Hermilio Valdizán National University
  • Zoila Elvira Miraval Tarazona Hermilio Valdizán National University
  • Peggy Mansilla Natividad Sacred Heart Women's University




Emotion disorders, COVID-19, confinement, university, public university


The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the way we live, and after mandatory confinement, the way we interact with people will also change drastically. And without going through the traumatic experience of hospitalization, society as a whole will suffer post-traumatic stress, due to home isolation. In many cases, the disease has directly impacted close people, which will translate into a higher prevalence of mental health-related problems. In this sense, no one doubts the psychological and social footprint that the pandemic will leave on the majority of the population. The work carried out has the objective of identifying the disorders of the emotions as a result of the covid-19 and the confinement in university students of the National University Hermilio Valdizán. The type and level of research was descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, applicative, analytical, prospective and cross-sectional, with a sample of 100 university students from the different academic professional schools of the university. For data collection, the questionnaire was used and the virtual survey was used as a technique. The main results show that university students present emotional disorders such as: sleep problems (85%) and feelings of depression and hopelessness (83%). It is concluded that as a result of confinement, university students present psychological problems of anxiety and depression (46%), 22% present depression and stress, while 17% of university students present post-traumatic stress as a result of COVID-19 and confinement.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Roxana Tamayo García, Hermilio Valdizán National University

Doctor of Science from the University of Camagüey - Republic of Cuba, Master in Public Health and Health Management, currently completing a Masters in Bioethics at FLACSO - Republic of Argentina. With specialties in Research Bioethics, Research Ethics in the Republic of Argentina, Health Communication, Health Projects, University Management and others. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. Peru.

Zoila Elvira Miraval Tarazona, Hermilio Valdizán National University

Doctor in Health Sciences, Master in Health Administration and Management. Specialist in High Obstetric Risk, National Evaluator of Professional Competencies of the College of Obstetricians of Peru certified by CONEAU.  Main Professor of Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. Peru.

Peggy Mansilla Natividad, Sacred Heart Women's University

Doctor in Psychology at the Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón - UNIFÉ, Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, specialist in Language Therapy, Forensic Expert.


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How to Cite

Tamayo García, Mónica Roxana, Zoila Elvira Miraval Tarazona, and Peggy Mansilla Natividad. 2020. “Disorders of the Emotions as a Consequence of Covid-19 and the Confinement in University of the Different Schools of the Hermilio Valdizan National University”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 10 (2):343-54. https://doi.org/10.35669/rcys.2020.10(2).343-354.