Spectral Communication in Nursing Care and the Risks of Virtuality


  • Julio Hernández Falcón National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Araceli Jiménez Mendoza National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Iñiga Pérez Cabrera National Autonomous University of Mexico




Communication, spectral communication, care, nursing, virtuality, COVID-19


The communication process in nursing care plays a key role in caring for people entrusted by society to professionals in this discipline. The crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the serious situation of nurse-person communication because it has not only become complex but frankly spectral, in other words, communication is permeated by a strong bodily presence, paradoxically disembodied, which provides guidelines for discussing identity. (Sánchez Martínez). The spectral is not a static concept, because as technology advances, the frequency ranges used in communications increase (or decrease). Today human survival is threatened globally and the new communication strategies show that it is not a simple action since the identity and image of the nurse herself by incorporating virtuality as an alternative way of caring is also threatened, as well as the identity dependent on corporeality is diluted and threatened. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, face-to-face interpersonal communication is compromised, as well as the confidentiality of information, privacy and security. The public and the private have lost their limits crossed by virtuality, which is the technological phenomenon of digital as a new way of relating, both in time and space and provides experiences that are perhaps only possible in that dimension. However, there is also a distorted image of the subject, the setting of care and the role of health service providers. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the public and the private have requested their limits crossed by the virtuality that is the technological phenomenon of digital as a way of relating, both in time and space, and provides experiences that are perhaps only possible in that dimension for which there is a distorted image of the subject, the setting of care and the role of health service providers.


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Author Biographies

Julio Hernández Falcón, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Full-time Associate Professor C of the Open and Distance University System Division of ENEO-UNAM; Master in Health Services Research; Member of the Research Line of Wellness and Care, member of the Academy of Humanities and Care.

Araceli Jiménez Mendoza, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Full-time B Professor  of the Division of the Open and Distance University System of ENEO-UNAM; Member of the Group of Culture and Society; Line of Research Care for Life and health of people; Sub line Care in life transitions. Member of the Research Academy at ENEO-UNAM. Candidate of the National System of Researchers CONACYT.

Iñiga Pérez Cabrera, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Full-time Associate Professor C of the Division of the Open and Distance University System of ENEO-UNAM, Dean of the School, Dr. Member of the Research Line of Wellbeing and Care, member of the Academy of Humanities and Care.


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How to Cite

Hernández Falcón, J., Jiménez Mendoza, A., & Pérez Cabrera, I. (2020). Spectral Communication in Nursing Care and the Risks of Virtuality. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 10(2), 625–635. https://doi.org/10.35669/rcys.2020.10(2).625-635

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