Technicality versus participatory construction, reflections from a health communication strategy
Health communication strategies are regularly based on technical models proposed by international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), among others. These strategies are developed under a reproducible model in order to be adjusted in the different countries, cities and communities where they will be applied. However, the local experience of learning through the construction of a health communication strategy to prevent respiratory diseases leaves many reflections on technical versus participatory constructions.
The story of Paco HerrE.R.A, is a health communication strategy for the prevention and promotion of acute respiratory disease that began as a technical task of a student based on the guidelines of world organizations; however, the immersion of the researchers in the community derived the conception of the development of technical strategies to a participatory methodological construction that achieved unexpected results in the community. This reflection invites professionals to consider health education from qualitative participatory approaches in which knowledge is built in interaction with communities.
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