Iconoclastia das Fake News sobre a vacinação de COVID-19 por Meio dos Memes digitais
Iconoclasia, Noticias falsas, Memes, Vacuna, COVID-19Abstract
Introduction: We are living in the Post-Truth Era where public opinion is based much more on appeals to emotions and personal beliefs than on objective facts. Science and social facts have, in this context, been put to the test by political movements that use the appeal of irrationality to win followers and candidates. In Brazil, as well as in several parts of the world, the Covid-19 pandemic was a fertile ground for the spread of fake news, however, here an important enemy was found, the memes, which on the internet, were in this scenario, an important weapon against disinformation. The present research, in this sense, aims to observe the arguments of some memes spread in the fight against fake news about the Covid-19 vaccine, and consequently, playing an important role in promoting vaccination against the disease in Brazil. Methodology: The study is based on the method of critical multimodal discourse analysis (MCDA) by Machin and Mayr (2012) and which were later applied by Smith (2019) in the study of memes and fake news, when analyzing the relations of power and ideology in the Internet. In order to achieve the objective launched here, we used multimodal analysis in three memes that oppose fake news about the Covid-19 vaccine in Brazil. Discussions: In the three memes analyzed, we verified references to the denialist discourse of fake news, humor, and elements of popular culture to combat the idea of non-adherence to vaccination. Conclusion: Memes were thus an important ally of science and public health in Brazil.
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