Adiction to social media tik tok in university students
Social media, addiction, pandemics, mental health, social isolationAbstract
Introduction: The use of social networks has become one of the most influential but challenging phenomena for the social and health system due to COVID 19, a pandemic virus that affected the world and threatened humanity. During this stage there was evidence of an increase in the use of social media networks, where Tik Tok is part, one of the most famous, as it has in its users billions of followers worldwide, being young people the group most at risk of the threats that it brings because they are curious people and those who connect to the internet through different devices and uses them for more time than the rest of the population. Methodology: he goal is to validate a scale that measures Tik Tok addiction correlated with symptoms of anxiety or depression. A quantitative study of a correlative type with the main technique was performed, the exploratory factor analysis with reliability (α = 0.75) to a population sample of 381 university students from the city of Medellín. Results: The results show that the scale was constructed by 33 items in 6 factors with factor loads greater than 0.40 with accumulated variance of 52.75% the variables are related to each other (p = 0.000) and (KMO = 0.84), Discussion: Component 1, called anxiety, connection and Tik Tok, is the one that explains the most with 11.17% of the analyzed phenomenon; this finding confirms our hypothesis and coincides with what was found in most of the works studied in this research. Conclusions: It is concluded that the instrument is reliable, valid and optimal to measure addiction to Tik Tok during confinement due to anxiety and depression disorders in university youth and adolescents.
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