Primary care centers, experience and perceptions of nurses regarding the communication process with patients




Enfermería - servicios comunitarios de salud - centros de salud - proceso de comunicación - usuarios de la comunicación - comunicación interpersonal - comunicación interactiva.


Introduction. Nursing practice requires the integration of communication and clinical skills, which results in greater patient satisfaction and improvement in the results obtained, therefore, based on the perceptions and experiences of Primary Care nurses, It is intended to assess communication processes.

Methodology. To obtain the information required by the study, the in-depth interview has been chosen, the literal transcription allowed the establishment of thematic categories of analysis and the comparison of the results with the literature.

Results. Communication is perceived very differently by each professional, without a structured method, with a lack of adaptation to the characteristics of each patient, which results in deficits in efficacy, understanding, and retention of the message.

Discussion. Communication problems cause feelings of helplessness and insecurity among professionals. The lack of an evaluation of the results, in the process, hinders the possibility of improvement and continuity in care.

Conclusions. The search for excellence in care requires education and training in terms of communication and continuous evaluation of the results as a guarantee of quality and continuity of care.


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Author Biography

Elena Francés Tecles, Universidad Católica de Valencia

Professor, academic tutor, and head of the Nursing Department at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV). She graduated as a nurse in 1986, holds a Master's in Bioethics, and obtained her doctorate in 2015. Currently, she is engaged in research activities in Health Communication.

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How to Cite

Francés Tecles, E., & Camaño-Puig, R. (2023). Primary care centers, experience and perceptions of nurses regarding the communication process with patients . Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 14, 1–15.



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