The Chatbot Applied to Health. A Bibliometric Review
Chatbot, Health, treatment, medical education, technologyAbstract
Introduction: The use of chatbots in healthcare is an emerging area of growing interest, and a comprehensive characterization of the state of knowledge regarding their applications in this field was needed. Methodology: A qualitative bibliometric review of 50 indexed articles published between 2018 and 2023 was conducted, sourced from specialized databases. The articles were classified based on objectives, methodologies, conclusions, and areas of application. Results: Most of the studies focused on mental health, particularly in supporting and treating disorders, as well as in medical education. Descriptive, experimental, and quantitative designs predominated, with a strong focus on rigorously evaluating the effectiveness of chatbots. Discussion: Chatbots have shown benefits in areas such as mental health, medical education, and other specific applications. However, there is a need for further high-quality research to assess their effectiveness in healthcare contexts before widespread implementation. Conclusions: While initial results are promising, there is a need to deepen the scientific foundation of chatbot applications in healthcare, to better characterize their scope and limitations, which will help guide future studies on this emerging technology.
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Copyright (c) 2024 José Eduardo Cortés Torres, Carol Estefanía Saldaña Moreno, Juan Sebastián Mendoza Moncada, Jesús David Perdomo Pineda
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