Application of an electronic instrument to identify risky sexual behaviors among university students
sexual behaviors; sexually transmitted infections; internet, health promotion; mexican youthAbstract
To detect risky sexual behavior in Mexican university students, an electronic survey was designed, which was applied anonymously through the internet. Two pilot studies on paper were performed. Based on the results the current version of the instrument was programmed in Google Formularies. An invitation to participate was sent by e-mail, including a link to the instrument, which remained open for six days. The results were analyzed in SPSS. The invitations were sent to 1940 students from eight undergraduate programs. The percentage of response was 8.2% (160/1940). For the analysis were considered 116 surveys from students between 18-24 years, 52% men and 48% women. 73% referred ever having sex, 32% have had more than four partners in their lifetime. 17.2% believes that washing after sex is protective against STIs, 44% think using public restrooms is a risk factor. Only 2.6% consider alcohol and 27% drugs as risk factors. From sexually active students (n=85), 90% have vaginal sex, 36 report always using a condom, 82% have oral sex, but only six always use a condom; 42.3% have anal sex, but only ten always use a condom. The 64.7% do not feel uncomfortable talking about their sexual life. The results showed that the instrument worked properly, and give us alarm of the risk exposure of the university students. This instrument was incorporated into a sexual health promotion web page available in (in Spanish). The main users of the internet are the youth, representing a significant opportunity for health promotion and research.
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