Contributions and differences between communication in health, communication for development and for social change


  • Carlos Andrés Martínez Beleño Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • María Silvina Sosa Gómez Universidad Autónoma del Caribe



Communication in Health; Communication for Development; Communication for Social Change; Health


This article aims to reflect on and discuss the perspectives and views of researchers in health communication, for development and for social change. The postulates of Ríos, Gumucio, Atoche, Vega and Mosquera will allude to the theoretical contributions in the areas of communication, which ultimately generate space for dialogue to achieve change in the communities where communication and health strategies are implemented. While this text presents the views of scholars on some approaches to communication, the authors in turn present the importance of this type of communication and its implementation in social welfare for example.what this paper seeks, is to perceive as an area intervenes in others or in the same way one serves as a strategy to achieve the intentions of others. This is how Communication in health, for development and for social change correlate and converge among themselves, in search of generating changes not only in behaviors but also in healthy lifestyles for the populations where intervention is taking place. Seen in this way, when differences are alluded to, there are different but complementary views and concrete actions for divergent audiences. In this way, the most interesting thing to bear in mind is that these substantially seek a change in behaviour in function of the social context.


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How to Cite

Martínez Beleño, C. A. . . ., & Sosa Gómez , M. S. . (2016). Contributions and differences between communication in health, communication for development and for social change. Revista De Comunicación Y Salud, 6(1), 71–82.




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