Media as agents that facilitate the medicalization of life: the example of andropause


  • Enrique Gavilán Servicio Extremeño de Salud. Cáceres
  • Ainhoa Iriberri Periodista freelance especialista en biomedicina. Madrid



Journalism; medicalization; andropause; aging; sexuality; marketing


Trough the phenomenon of medicalization, many processes previously beyond the jurisdiction of medicine has come to be explained and treated by doctors. One of them is the natural process of aging, and within it the decline in male activity –principally sexual. Traditionally known as andropause and considered as a syndrome caused by a lack of testosterone, there have been moments in history when it seemed to have almost disappeared from medical debate. However, with the boom of sexual drugs, the iede of andropause has reappeared, despite the accumulated scientific evidence which has fed doubt about this concept within the past 15 years.
Information about health helps to normalize social processes which have led certain problems to be considered as part of the medicine field. Andropause has not been immune to this phenomenon. Through the analysis of news articles published in the Spanish press about andropause and the sexuality of the aging male, some examples are described in this essay to show how the media can influence in the medicalization of this process. In this regard the influence of lobbies will be analyzed, through the funding of media groups and as a result of conflicts of interest among media and communication professionals when selecting information sources and content, as well as the role of news agencies and press associations.


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How to Cite

Gavilán, Enrique, and Ainhoa Iriberri. 2014. “Media as agents that facilitate the medicalization of life: the example of andropause”. Revista de Comunicación y Salud 4 (1):49-67.


