Communication, Gender and Health. Analysis of an advertisement for the early detection of breast cancer
Advertisement; breast cancer; prevention; gender; androcentrism; discourse; self-care; subjectivityAbstract
The paper analyses an advertisement called For the love of boobs (Lowe Porta Agency, 2012) focused on the early detection of breast cancer. From a gender perspective, the paper shows the persistence of androcentric matrices in the way in which the advertisement’s discourse is organized, in which the disease is constructed, and in the manner in which women are engaged.
In methodological terms, a critical analysis of the discourse is carried out which discusses the proposed theoretical focus in relation to the historical processes that have influenced the construction of certain subjective ideal female models and which exhibit the politicization and eroticism of their bodies. Within the field of communication, a critical analysis linking issues of gender and subjectivity with health practices is essential in achieving a fruitful approach to the consequences of these narratives and the meanings that result from them. In this regard, the paper discusses some of the implications derived from the processes of acceptance and coexistence with the diagnosis as well as from self-care, all of which are aspects that are essential to achieving greater equality in medical attention and health promotion.
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